I know I do!
I live at the wet coast (Surrey) and I respect the weather challenges that face the rest of the province. It must be hard to think about the new year when spring is still under inches of ice and snow. As so many British Columbians are keen outdoorsmen, I would love to hear how our CiB communities spend their winter days. I will post this to our Blog and facebook page too so that we can share your comments.
For me the New Year is the start of registration for the Provincial Edition of the Communities in Bloom (BC CiB) program. Identifying new participants is the biggest challenge as last year’s participants are often ready to hit the ground running when the spring thaw arrives. So here is my to do list for the New Year:
Discover CiB Champions...this may be YOU
Have you ever wondered “Can I be a Judge” or “Can I start a CiB group in my community?”. We need to talk!
Promote the Novice Category
This is a great first step for new communities to find out more about the Communities in Bloom Program. The best part about being a Novice Community is that you will get a pair of judges in your community to workshop with your interested people.
Find New Sponsors
I am not a natural salesperson, but when you believe in what you represent I have to say it makes it a lot easier. If you are acquainted with a business that would benefit from sponsoring a CiB Criteria please let me know. I think the annual presentation of Criteria Awards is a highlight for our participants and our Sponsors.
So there you have it, my top three challenges for the new year. Isn’t that what they recommend with New Year’s Resolutions, to say it out loud to create accountability? ...there is no turning back…
· March 31, 2016 is the Registration Deadline for the CiB Provincial Edition
· On February 18th I will be at the BC Recreation and Parks Spring Training Horticulture Day (Coast Hotel and Convention Centre, Langley) with a table full of information. Please stop by and say hi.
· And on a personal note; I am back to school for a CAD Landscape Design course at Kwantlen University one morning a week. I expect this middle aged dog can still learn a few new tricks!
Wishing you a Happy New Year :) Catherine Kennedy, BC CiB Executive Director