Happy New Year!
Both Prizes include Rounds of Golf for 2 with Cart and Accommodation
1st Prize: Qualicum Beach Golf Course (Qualicum Beach), Arrowsmith Golf Course (Qualicum Beach), Sandpiper Golf Course (Harrison Mills), Golden Eagle Golf Course (Pitt Meadows), Castlegar Golf Course (Castlegar), Granite Point Golf Course (Nelson). Comes with overnight stays at Qualicum Beach, Harrison Mills, Castlegar and some goodies. Package Value $1700.
2nd Prize: Sun Rivers Golf Resort (Kamloops), Harvest Golf Course (Kelowna), Peace Portal Golf Course (Surrey), Penticton Golf Course (Penticton). Comes with overnight stays at Kelowna, Langley and Penticton. Package Value: $1000.

For over 10 years BC Communities in Bloom (BC CiB) has delivered a province-wide enhancement program (tool) that has benefited the province and communities of all sizes. From tourist towns on the coast, rural interior and industrial towns in the north, our organization has provided guidance through the judge’s visits and evaluation reports to more than 100 community groups.
At the heart of our organization is our team of dedicated volunteers who bring a wealth of experience to our society. They represent the province as board members, judges and committee members in addition to representing their geographical regions. Our volunteers are the reason the society exists to deliver the Communities in Bloom program.
We are very proud of what the CiB program accomplishes for our province; please help us to continue to GROW in 2015 by purchasing a raffle ticket. If you need more information please call Catherine Kennedy at (604) 576-6506.
300 tickets printed; Final Sales April 3, 2015; Raffle Draw Date April 18th 2015 at 3pm;
Draw Location: BC CiB 2015 AGM Fraser Room, Langley Sandman Hotel
Tickets may be sold and purchased only in British Columbia. Must be 19 years of age or older to purchase tickets. Prize awarded to name on ticket (non transferable), no cash value. Winners agree to have their names and photos published in the May BC Communities in Bloom Growing Together Newsletter.
Want to purchase a ticket, request an order form from [email protected]